Transformational on-demand workshop for coaches, consultants & solo practitioners to help you scale your business the low-tech, high-profit way!

HURRY! Don't wait until you're so busy you don't have time to build your bench!

The sooner you build your bench, the sooner you can finally scale your business!

Want a Multi-6-Figure Lifestyle Consulting or Coaching Business?

...A profitable business that allows you to:

  • Have a 4- or 5-day workweek while enjoying your Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Make money even while you're on vacation, taking time off for personal or family commitments (or emergencies), or any other reason you need to check out.
  • Have greater confidence in your ability to deliver what your clients really need — without creating a full-time “job” for yourself or getting in over your head.
  • Never again face the stressful feast-or-famine cycle because you get too busy working with clients to keep up with your marketing.
  • Collaborate with other smart, fun people on client projects so it’s not so lonely being a solo business owner.

Then it's time to BUILD YOUR BENCH... and this workshop is the place to start!

Check Out These Proven Results!

Here's just some of what past Build Your Bench Workshop participants achieved from this workshop.



86% increase in ease of bringing on bench members, including knowing what contracts to have.


109% improvement in knowing exactly how much to pay bench members no matter the scenario.


68% more confidence in approaching potential bench members & setting clear expectations.



62% boost in ability to effectively manage and lead bench members and avoid messy situations.

"It’s like a pot full of gold!"

Leslie Ellis, CEO
Involved Change

"When I first attended the course, it was a lot to take in and now that I am actively growing a bench of 15+ by the end of 2021, it’s like a pot full of gold. I am so grateful to have the workshop videos and training materials to reference again and again as I grow.

The importance of getting all of your foundational documentation, agreements, checklists, script and scalable models in place is a huge gem in this workshop. They give it all to you on a gold platter — you just need to take it and do what they say.

And it pays off when potential bench talent says, 'You really have this all thought through and put together, I am impressed!'"


Maybe you’ve tried to create a PROFITABLE, HIGH-FREEDOM business with expensive, complicated paid marketing funnels and online offerings, only to find out it's way harder than it looks. Conversely, having a bench of experts that you can "put in the game" gives you a repeatable, low-cost, high-reward scaling strategy. And in this workshop, we'll take all the guesswork out of it, by giving you our proven strategies, templates, checklists and more that make it clear, simple and highly effective... strategies you simply won't find anywhere else!


Your bench is a group of independent experts — such as coaches, consultants, trainers, speakers, content developers, subject matter experts, and more — that you can “put in the game” to support your client projects whenever you need them. To be clear: your bench is a PROFIT CENTER in your business. When your bench members are in the game delivering services to your clients, YOU are earning income. The more you utilize your bench, the more money you make. That is, when you structure it the RIGHT way! (And YES, we'll show you how in this workshop.)


You may have tried to build a bench before only to run into costly mistakes and frustrating situations with more drama than Days of Our Lives. (Trust us when we say, we've seen it all!) But it doesn't have to be that way. For more than a decade, we've guided solo business owners in exactly how to structure and manage their bench, ranging from two bench members up to 50 or more! In fact, smartly utilizing a bench has been one of the SECRET INGREDIENTS behind many of our clients' BIGGEST quantum leaps.

"My revenue is on target to double what we made a year ago — from low six to high six figures!"

Lynn Rousseau, CEO
The Conscious Leader, LLC

I’m so glad I decided to participate in the Build Your Bench Workshop. It was a total mindset shift into the role of CEO.

In a period of just 6 months, I went from having one executive assistant to having 6 highly talented bench members who are coaches, consultants and trainers. My revenue is on target to double what we made a year ago — from low six figures to high six figures. 

The workshop gave me both elevated strategy and specific tactics. I’m clear about how to communicate early on with my bench to set clear expectations. I know how to onboard my bench. I know how to introduce and position my bench with clients and reinforce our brand. The tools are super helpful; they save me time and create consistency. More importantly, the strategies help me think broader and have a bigger vision. 

Most of all, I’m running my business very differently. As the CEO, I’m the vision keeper, delivering on a small number of C-suite client engagements and off-sites, while my team is delivering on coaching and leadership development training. 

I am having more fun than I thought I would. I thought I would miss being so close to the delivery, but I see the power of leverage and the ripple effect we’re having with a larger team. It’s exciting!"




Here’s what you're about to discover in this live training...

Identify what types of experts YOU need on YOUR bench to meet YOUR business goals, specifically. We've made it easy with a checklist of 27 key expert categories to consider.

Learn the smart way to introduce your bench members to clients in a way that has those clients excited to work with your team, not complaining that they only want to work with you.

Learn the 12 best places to find bench members. Plus, discover what to say specifically to target bench members when you approach them about it, including our exact script.

Make managing your bench a breeze using 8 simple, low-cost tools. Plus, gain the elevated strategies for how to maximize your bench for the biggest profit and impact.

Find out the 3 things you must discuss with potential bench members upfront. As well as how to screen bench members using our proprietary X3 Success Profile™ and get a checklist of screening tools!

Determine exactly how much to pay your bench members no matter the scenario. You'll even get our simple, interactive Excel CALCULATOR. Just plug in a few key numbers and voilà.

Uncover 20 critical elements you should include in your legal contracts with bench members to protect yourself, your business, and your IP. (Note: We're not attorneys. This is business advice, not legal advice.)

Avoid common pitfalls and expensive mistakes that can crop up with a bench. Learn to diagnose what led to the problem (cheat sheet included) so it doesn't happen again, and how to diffuse issues without the drama.

PLUS... a boatload of more valuable stuff you really need to know — and tools you really need to have — if you want a low-tech, low-cost method of scaling your business while creating more freedom and more income, without the hassles.

"Irreplaceable and impossible to find elsewhere!"

Jo Ilfeld, PhD
CEO, Incite To Leadership

"What's great about this workshop is that it helps you envision how your business can truly grow and scale. This workshop provided not only practical tools, but also how to have an up-leveled mindset around your business' growth and what professional standards and agreements you need to put into place to make that happen.

The true magic of Phil (and Angelique) is the depth and breadth of their wisdom. There’s no question you can ask that they can’t help you think through, even more than the basic how-to's. Any workshop with them always gets into this deep strategic work about how to be a savvier business owner and leader, which is irreplaceable and impossible to find elsewhere!"

Get Immediate Access to This On-Demand Workshop Now!

ONLY $1497

"I make money doing what I love!"

Jennifer Buchholz

Tech Adoption Accelerator
Excel & Flourish

"I love what I do. I love training people and helping others, and I especially enjoy that I make money doing what I really love! My mindset shifted in this workshop when I discovered how I could effectively bring on other trainers — people who also love training and helping people — and when they bench for me, we all get paid for the work they do with my firm's clients. It's been a huge shift in my business!"

This workshop is led by our Executive Vice President, Phil Dyer, and includes:

Because this workshop is conducted via Zoom, you'll get the full video recordings of the workshop. This means you can to go back and reference the steps and strategies again and again, especially as you put this plan into action!

When you log into our Program Vault, you'll also get immediate access to all of the training slides that accompany the training videos. This means you can easily follow along and take notes, as well as have everything at your fingertips as you put these powerful strategies into action!

PLUS, on top of that...

You'll get tons of templates, samples, action guides and training materials, including:

  • An interactive "calculator" to determine what to pay each unique bench member in each unique scenario
  • An onboarding checklist for bench members
  • A checklist of contract terms you’ll want your attorney to include in your bench-member agreements
  • A sample Statement of Work (SOW) you can use each time you engage a bench member for a client project
  • A sample bench accountability agreement
  • A checklist of must-have tools to make managing your bench a breeze
  • An action guide for diagnosing challenges with bench members and how to diffuse the problem based on the situation
  • And more!



Our team is happy to answer any questions you have.

Simply click below to book your private call.


Phil Dyer, Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Consultant & Serial Entrepreneur. When organizations like Pfizer, Turner Broadcasting, the Pentagon, Syracuse University, and the Military Officers Association of America are looking to boost the performance of business-critical teams, they turn to Phil Dyer, CFP®, RLP®, CPCC. Phil is an award-winning author, speaker, consultant and serial entrepreneur who has trained & advised thousands of CEOs, small business owners, senior executives and corporate teams over the last 25 years.

A graduate of the prestigious United States Military Academy at West Point and former Army Captain, Phil leverages his leadership and team-building skills to help small and mid-market enterprises land lucrative corporate contracts. He also provides consulting and advisory services to Fortune Global 2000 companies, government agencies, higher education institutions, NGOs and non-profits.

His clients have increased year-over-year sales by up to 300%, reduced turnover by up to 50%, and decreased miscommunication/ team conflict by up to 70%.

Phil is the co-author of VICTORY: 7 Entrepreneur Success Strategies for Veterans as well as the #1 Amazon Best-Seller, Wonder Women: How Western Women Will Save the World. He has delivered more than 800 business and financial presentations to audiences worldwide. An experienced international business traveler, he has worked with clients all around the world, including in the UK, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain and Canada.

Brought to You By the Same Experts Trusted By Major Media

Get Immediate Access to This On-Demand Workshop Now!

ONLY $1497

"This program is a must!"

Rachel Wall, RDH, BS
CEO, Inspired Hygiene, Inc.

"Whether you are just starting out building a team to scale your business or you’ve been doing it for years, this program is a must. I gained tons of tools and templates that I’m putting into place to create more clarity for our team of consultants and more consistency for our clients."