Inc 5000

The Collective

Membership in a global powerhouse community + access to our ever-expanding training program so you can get more clients.


Trainings and toolkits on topics that will actually help you grow your consulting business. Miles ahead of anything else that's out there.


Grow your consulting, coaching or services business in record time with our elevated mastermind programs. Not for the faint of heart.


Looking for a custom strategy to grow or fix your consulting business, coaching business or expert services business? If so, we’ve got you covered.

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Tired of waiting on referrals to get clients for your coaching, consulting, or services business?


Look no further.
Our proven, proprietary systems have empowered business owners all over the world to step into the driver’s seat and grow beyond what they ever thought possible.

Want more clients?

Download our FREE Quick Start Guide: The Million-Dollar+ Boutique Firm today.

Don’t miss our annual 3-day gathering where we immerse our global community of bold business owners into the latest strategies for winning corporate and B2B clients.

We Offer Bold Solutions That Get Real Results. (If You’re Into That Sort Of Thing.)

You don’t win corporate clients by playing by the rules. You win by playing a completely different game.

We know what works. We know what doesn’t. We know how and why leaders make decisions and often what they’re going to do before they even do it.

We know because we’ve walked in their shoes. We’ve sold to them. And we’ve helped thousands of knowledge brokers across the world do the same.

Now it’s your turn to discover the proven strategies that put you in control.

The Collective

The Collective

Membership in a global powerhouse community + access to our ever-expanding training program so you can get more clients.

Training, Coaching & Consulting Programs


Trainings and toolkits on topics that will actually help you grow your consulting business. Miles ahead of anything else that’s out there.

Mastermind Groups


Grow your consulting, coaching or services business in record time with our elevated mastermind programs. Not for the faint of heart.

Small Business Consulting


Looking for a custom strategy to grow or fix your consulting business, coaching business or expert services business? If so, we’ve got you covered.

Got Questions?
Our Team Has You Covered!

Schedule a Call Today and Get the Answers You Need to Take Your Business to the Next Level with BoldHaus.

“The Undisputed Champion at Helping Small Businesses Land Big Clients…”

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Using Our Unapologetic Approach Our Clients Are Winning Business With Groovy Brands Like These. And Many More.



BoldHaus LIVE Masterclass
Go from “One-Hit Wonders” to “Winning Streaks”: 3 Keys to Unlock Consistent Clients & Cash Flow

It’s electrifying when the perfect client lands in your lap. But hoping you’ll get lucky and will strike gold again is not a growth strategy. Join BoldHaus CEO, Angelique Rewers, for this never-before-offered 2-hour masterclass. You'll discover the 3 interlocking keys that, when used together, create consistent clients and cash flow so you can grow a sustainable, scalable, profitable business — and experience the peace of mind and freedom that comes with it.

SEPT. 12, 2024
12 PM - 2 PM ET

Sign Up!

BoldHaus Groove 2024

BoldHaus Groove is the world's #1 business growth event for consultants, executive coaches, experts & small business owners who want proven frameworks to skyrocket their business and land corporate clients — consistently. It only comes around once a year. Get all the details and claim your seat today!

NOV. 11-14, 2024

Westin Fort Lauderdale
Beach Resort
Fort Lauderdale, FL



You’re in the right place with us.



Just Getting Started
Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started

You have a lot on your buffet plate. We’ll help you sort it all out, from messaging and positioning, to consulting fees, to getting clients and everything in between so you can start rolling in the dough.

Create Consistency & Predictability
Create Consistency & Predictability

Freedom & Consistency

We don’t believe in feast or famine. Or having your business run you. We’ll help you finally take control of the wheel and create a stream of infinite opportunities that generate steady income and reliable results.

Scale to the Next Level
Scale to the Next Level

Ready to Scale

Next-level growth takes serious strategy. We’ll help you develop a custom business growth plan to scale in a way that’s sustainable, while freeing you up to build a bolder thought leader platform and have more fun.


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