BOLD CLIENT: Lynne Gilliland
CEO & Founder, LG Consulting
BoldHaus Collective Member Since: 2018
“Mindset is everything. I’m now asking myself on a regular basis if I am thinking and acting like a CEO. Through being in the BoldHaus mastermind, I’ve let go of three limiting beliefs: 1.) that I’m “behind” everyone else; 2.) that I don’t know enough; and 3.) that I am not good enough to be the CEO of my own company.”
“I first joined the BoldHaus Collective and started with the Credibility & Capabilities Briefing. That resulted in a $45K contract within just a few months. When the opportunity to join a BoldHaus mastermind came along, I mentioned it to my husband who said, “Why do that… what you’re doing is working!” But I joined the mastermind anyway — and have not looked back. The personalized, 1:1 guidance that I get from Phil is priceless, and the validation and learning from the experiences of my cohort has pushed me forward. Most importantly, I am having so much fun!”
“I am positioning my company to be the experts on helping CEOs in our sector. We do this through insight papers, emergency remote teachings, forums, building relationships with decision makers, getting content in front of them that is useful while nurturing a great team. For instance, I have been asked to be on an advisor council for a women’s leadership network. I would not have discovered my indisputable gifts in leadership without taking risks.“