by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Thanks for permission and for a new approach to sales that feels good, Angelique and Phil!”
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“[Champagne Moment] My first 6 figure contract! The contract landed at $135K, 6-month Strategic Planning Program for their 8 person executive team… When I joined the BoldHaus Collective, I didn’t believe I could do all of this in my business… (my little voice in my...
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Hi everyone. Soo… yesterday I landed my biggest ever 3-month engagement. I have earned this amount of $$ from other clients, but never for one, specific program.”
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Celebrating 3 new engagements this past month – (one is a multi-year, multi-$100,000s deal), and a PAID! speaking engagement for a great company local in my community (and I’m in a tiny community) that is actually a HUGE company that serves smaller communities…...
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“I just closed my best quarter ever! At this rate, I will hit six figures in the first part of Q2, a milestone I’ve never before achieved in this business, and it’s only April!”
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