by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Hot damn and Hallelujah!!! Just got a YES for a $60K consulting engagement: strategic planning and leadership coaching for a local medical practice!! This stuff works… Thanks to Angelique and Phil for their ongoing inspiration and support, and a shout-out to...
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Soo….per Angelique’s coaching I’ve been ‘demanding’ another $80K in booked business by June 30th from the universe. Had a strategy day with ———— today and got a verbal agreement for about $89K… That’s a lot of fish!”
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“YA’LL! I just sold my first $36k coaching package!!!!!!!!!!!! I have another $56k in proposals out for approval. Woohoo!”
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Champagne Moment! Thanks to the support and advice from our mastermind group and the confidence and valuable strategies I’ve learned and applied from being a member of the BoldHaus Collective… I was able to turn a $2,500.00 Executive Coaching engagement into a...
by Angelique Rewers | Jun 28, 2021
“Two new leads that quite literally entered my pipeline within the last seven days closed today! Total of $13K in new revenue in the waning weeks of the year. And more importantly, it is by far the best year I’ve ever had in this business — solidly into six figures...
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