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When the Road to The Top Is Blocked, Innovative Women Are Finding a New Boardroom… Their Own

by | Oct 15, 2019

When the Road to The Top Is Blocked, Innovative Women Are Finding a New Boardroom… Their Own

by | Oct 15, 2019

But getting the financial rewards they deserve requires shaking off the corporate after-effect once and for all.

The Needle Has Barely Moved for Women in Corporate Leadership

I’m honored to have been invited by Entrepreneur to share my thoughts about the recent publication of Forbes’ “America’s Most Innovative Leaders” list in which there was just ONE female executive featured.

While there was a ton of backlash about the article, a lot of folks (women especially) were not the least bit surprised.

Despite the billions of dollars spent each year on diversity, inclusion and women in leadership programs, the needle has barely moved. (By the time you reach the senior vice president level, only 22 percent are women.) Women see and experience this reality every day.

Most of us even have our fair share of “war stories.” One of my favs is the day a two-person sales team came in to sell me their company’s software. I was the ultimate Decision Maker — but I was also the youngest and only female in the room.

During the entirety of the sales pitch, both sales guys ignored me and kept their eye contact locked on the other men in the room. Essentially, I did not exist. Even when I interjected with a question, they turned back to the other men to answer. (And no, they didn’t get the contract.)

At any rate, women continue to exit corporate in droves. In fact, 70% of women entrepreneurs say the left their corporate jobs and started their own businesses at least in part because of either gender bias or the glass ceiling (or both).

At BoldHaus, we end up working with a lot of those women when they decide to become business consultants, executive coaches, or other business owners. But just because you leave corporate doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy to shake off the gender bias aftereffect.

And that’s really the issue I wanted to address in this article: how you shift those mindsets and approach your business with a new set of rules — your own!


Women are Leaving Corporations in Droves — Here’s Why

After decades of corporate diversity efforts, change has come slowly. Women still hold just 25 percent of five critical C-suite positions in the nation’s 1,000 largest corporations, and the problem persists far beyond that.

The drop-off of women in leadership starts with the first promotion to management, where a woman is 18 percent less likely to be promoted to manager than a man. By the time you reach the senior vice president level, only 22 percent are women. Of those, just 21 percent hold positions responsible for driving revenue — the kind of roles that typically get tapped for the C-suite.

You don’t need to tell women this. Every day they walk through the doors of their offices, the ripple effect of this reality shapes their daily experience — all the way down to the thermostat settings.

The fact that so little has changed is a big reason why women are exiting corporations in droves, with more women than ever starting their own companies and coming back into the boardrooms as business owners and consultants.

A full 70 percent of women entrepreneurs say workplace discrimination and the glass ceiling factored into their decision to leave their corporate jobs. 63 percent believe that working for themselves will help them reach their career goals faster. And more than half say reaching their full potential is simply not possible as an employee.

[bctt tweet=”63 percent of women believe that working for themselves will help them reach their career goals faster. #WomenInLeadership” username=”AngeliqueRewers”]

As someone who spent years navigating corporate America in male-dominated industries like defense and energy, these statistics reflect my own reasons for venturing out on my own and starting BoldHaus, a firm that helps small businesses and self-employed experts land corporate clients.

What I wasn’t expecting, however, was just how tough it can be for women to shake off the gender bias aftereffect when starting a business. That’s why shifting this mindset became an important part of the work we do to help women business owners reach their greatest potential.


4 Tips for Aspiring Women Business Owners

For those who are thinking of starting their own business or have started down this path, here are some of the tips we share with our clients.


Know your worth.

It’s no secret women earn less than men in the workforce. Unfortunately, this disparity carries over into entrepreneurship where women business owners earn 28 percent less than their male peers.

In our experience, this sometimes stems from women using their former corporate salary as a starting point for deciding what to charge. However, your professional rates should be determined based on the business value you deliver to your clients.

Start by putting a dollar figure on the problem you help companies solve — and don’t overcomplicate it. Look for an obvious metric, such as lost sales or how much of people’s time (and thus salaries) is being wasted by dealing with the problem. Next, determine what kind of dent you can realistically make in the problem. From there, you typically want to aim for providing clients with a 5 to 12 times return on their investment to work with you, depending on your field.


Recognize old hierarchies no longer apply.

[bctt tweet=”4 tips for aspiring business owners — are you following these steps to the top? #womenentrepreneurs #boldhaus” username=”AngeliqueRewers”]

Another aftereffect of the corporate world is the deep-rooted power of job titles, which can shape your perception of who you have “permission” to reach out to when prospecting and building relationships.

Yet as the CEO of your own company, those rules no longer apply. In fact, it’s incumbent upon you to speak directly with top executives because that’s who your company is ultimately responsible for delivering results to.

If talking to executives feels uncomfortable, a fast way to shift your uneasiness is by attending industry events. After a few rubber chicken lunches seated next to top leaders, those titles won’t seem as intimidating.   


Have a red velvet rope.

A tried-an- true rule of building a business is to “grow where you’re planted.” In other words: start with the industry or type of work where you have the most experience.

However, after a negative corporate experience, many women turn as far away from their career track as possible, leaving a lot of their hard-earned expertise on the table. But you don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water — especially because as a corporate service provider, you hold the ultimate power.

Just like a bouncer working the door at an A-list nightclub, it’s entirely your choice as to which prospects you let walk through your red velvet rope. That means you never have to take on a toxic organization or decision maker as your client and you can set firm boundaries from the get go.  


Don’t bury the lead.

…Finish reading this article on for the 4th tip.

If you’re ready to grow your business to the next level by winning corporate clients, let’s talk! Schedule a no-pressure call with our team to discuss your business goals, and together we’ll map out a plan for how you can get there.


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